発売初年度で全国18コースに導入 コンフォートカートソレイユ誕生 日本初!ゴルフをもっと快適にプレイ 導入コース増加中


The sales in mid-summer
and mid-winter are sluggish.
Want to increase customer
repeat rates
Want to improve
customer satisfaction
and differentiate themselves
from the competition


  • Air conditioners and heated seats
    to boost sales!

    The annual sales of a ¥480 million golf course would decrease by 18 million in three months, assuming a 15% decrease in sales from July to September. By installing air-conditioners and seat heaters, a 70% occupancy rate was achieved, covering the decline in sales!

  • Pleasant golf course experience
    increases repeat business!

    Air conditioner is adjustable from 5℃ to 26℃! In addition, the wind speed can be adjusted in 6 levels!

  • The first of its kind in Japan
    the air conditioner and heated seats
    will surely set you apart
    from the competition!

    If each user is charged 1,000 yen, the annual lease fee can be recovered by operating the air conditioner at 70% of its capacity from July to September! Furthermore, if the playing fee is the same as during the peak season, you can collect the lease fee even earlier and increase sales!


  • POINT01

    Succeeded in producing cold air at a
    temperature of 5°C

    Until now, carts only had an air blowing function, making it difficult to feel a "cool breeze" under the scorching sun in mid-summer. However "Soleil", the air-conditioning cart, is a full-scale air-conditioning cart with an outdoor air conditioner installed on the roof, which can produce air as cold as 5°C.

  • POINT02

    Up to approximately
    8 hoursof
    continual use

    Equipped with a state-of-the-art storage battery that continues to deliver high power for a long period of time. The specially developed iron phosphate battery enables 8 hours of continuous use at full power.

  • POINT03

    Use of very high

    Comfort Car Soleil uses a lithium iron phosphate battery. The "lithium iron phosphate battery" uses lithium iron phosphate for the positive electrode and is characterized by its high thermal stability and safety. The self-discharge rate is about 1% per month, which means that the battery can provide sufficient power even when left unused for long periods of time.


※The vehicle in the image is manufactured by Yamaha.
※Condensation at the air vent has been prevented.
※Heated seats are removable depending on the time of year.


  • Cooler Battery Set

  • Seat heater battery set

  • 1 seat heater

The above does not include transportation costs.

・Price subject to change depending on exchange rate
・Insurance coverage


  • Old Lake Golf Club Manager

    It has been very well received. It is often used not only for private purposes but also for business purposes. Some customers say they can’t play without Comfort Cart Soleil in the summer, and the repeat rate is high. We installed five carts in early July, and there wasn’t a day that we weren’t operating at full capacity until the end of September.

  • Ryosen Golf Club Assistant Manager

    We were honestly surprised at the attention we received from customers, who made reservations from the first day we posted the introduction of Comfort Cart Soleil on our home page. Customers who have ridden the cart have commented on how cool it is! The number of repeat customers has been increasing one after another.

  • Rose Golf Club Manager

    Immediately after the introduction, customers were able to experience it for free, but even after the switch to a paid service, we continued to use it daily. The cart is very popular not only with older customers but also with younger customers, and all age groups are happy with the service.

  • Asami Golf Club Manager

    We decided to install the system after one of our regular customers said, "I love Asami, but it's too hot in the summer, so I play on a golf course with an air conditioner". With the Comfort Cart Soleil, customers can play cool and comfortable even under the scorching summer sun! The customers have been very pleased with the comfort carts and have been using them every day since then.


  • Published on Suzuran Yamauchi's
    Suzuran Golf Channel
  • Published on Shinichi Yokota Pro
    on Youtube
  • ゴルフダイジェスト8/15号に掲載
    Published in Golf Digest 8/15 issue


  • QWhich manufacturers' carts are supported?

    Compatible with Yamaha, Hitachi, and APRO carts.

  • QHow many hours will the air conditioner run?

    Operates continuously for approximately 8 hours at a set temperature of 5°C and maximum wind speed

  • QWhere do you get power for the air conditioner and heated seats?

    The device is equipped with a dedicated battery and draws power from it.

  • QHow many years will the battery last?

    Depending on usage, the battery can undergo approximately 1,000 charge cycles. Considering usage over a 90-day period from July to September, it's estimated to last for over 10 years.

  • QWill the battery degrade if left unattended?

    There is minimal degradation. With typical lithium-ion batteries, there's about a 20% self-discharge per month, but our adopted iron phosphate lithium-ion battery experiences only 1-2% self-discharge per month. As a result, even if left unused for extended periods, degradation is almost negligible.

  • QHow many hours does it take to charge the battery?

    It takes approximately 10 hours to charge from 0% to 100%. The battery consumption is around 60% per round, so the effective charging time is around 6 to 7 hours.

  • QHow many volts does the battery charge?

    It charges at 100 volts. Charging is possible from a household electrical outlet.

  • QIs it possible to install only the air-conditioner or only the seat heater?

    You can choose to install only the cooler, only the seat heater, or both the cooler and seat heater according to your needs.

  • QIs it possible to install the system on a lease basis?

    We can introduce you to leasing companies, so please consult with us if you are considering introducing our product through a lease.